Tuesday, 15 September 2015

CARE: Creating Engineers for tomorrow

CARE: Creating Engineers for tomorrow

Imparting engineering education be based on CARE concept to make engineers imbibed with Attitude and equipped with requisite Knowledge, Skills for employability/ entrepreneurship.

My message to all the graduating engineers has been, “Let us take CARE of CARE now so that CARE will take CARE of us in future". Here CARE means, 

C: Culture of Learningcreating an interactive, healthy learning environment by knowing, understanding, involving one another in enrichment of life skills, becoming more perceptive towards sustaining a learning environment for the progressive development.

A: Academic Excellence; Being Engineering/Technical institutes, academic excellence is soul of the institute, hence students have to shift their setting while in class room/laboratory from silent mode to enquiry mode, so that they will inch closure to acquiring more and more knowledge of the domain to get the desired skill set inculcated & imbibed transforming them as competent and capable of taking up the live challenges and providing the requisite solutions.

R: Research Attributes; Student studying in professional courses to inculcate and imbibe an attitude to think differently, laterally, out of box, so that they can contribute scientifically, technically, meaningfully with innovative & productive approach in the roles/services of the employment and also in national development initiatives like Make in India, Digital India, Smart Cities, Affordable housing, New education policy, New Electronic policy, Swatch Bharat abhiyan. This is possible only when the students undergo qualitative research oriented teaching learning; hands on training, undergoing in-plant training, summer/winter internships in industries/R&D organizations, institutes of national importancebeing additional mode of getting relevant and updated knowledge.

E: Environment, Energy & Economy; Environment doesn't have infinite capacity to assimilate any type of waste/refuse/flue gases discharged/ released into it. Hence, we need to understand the self sustaining capacity; relation to the anthropogenic activities those have made maximum impact on environment. The stabilisation to be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner.  The need of the hour is opting for Green Technology; and continuously refining Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Increasing demand of energy, lead to urgencyto search for a new knowledge in energy conservation, generation and distribution, a challenging arena for the engineers. Sustainable development is often defined as “development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainable development as applied to energy and environment should consider the following:

1. Inputs - such as fuels and energy sources, land and raw materials - are nonrenewable they should be used up only as far as they can be substituted in futureWhere they are renewable they should be used up at a rate, within which they can be renewed,

2. Outputs - in production and consumption - should not overstrain ecosystems or the assimilation capacity of the biosphere.

Case studies on these lines have been taken up by the final year students of MIT Aurangabad to correlate environment, energy and economy as indicators to their domain related projects and aligning the short term and long term benefits derived to achieve the sustainable development.